Little Mermaid Bouquet
Little Mermaid Bouquet
She might live under the sea but your own kids can have finny fun too with our Little Mermaid Bouquet.
This playful bouquet is perfect gift for kids who are obsessed with mermaids and the sea. Each bouquet is packed with toys, activities and sweets for hours of fun.
Each bouquet includes:
- Shell Necklace inside Clam Shell
- Bracelet and Necklace Set
- Glow in the Dark Stickers
- Pop Rocks
- Candy Necklace
- Paddle Ball
- Mini mermaid doll
- Mermaid Wand
- Stuffed Mermaid
- Mermaid Note Book
- Stamp
- Squeaky Mermaid Toy
- Princess Crown
The little mermaid who gets this fun bouquet will be looking good with the included jewelry including a shell necklace you'll find hidden inside the treasure shell at the center of the bouquet.
Each bouquet is handcrafted by our talented team using the items, tissue and cello paper to create a beautiful gift any kid would love to get.
This bouquet stands approximately 19 inches tall by 14 inches wide.
Add a custom gift message during checkout for no additional charge.
All bouquets ship wrapped in plastic and secured with a bow to protect the contents during shipping.